Hawaii On Line University Courses
Hawaii School of True Science
Hawaii University On Line - Hawaii School of True Science Academy *
Please note: Hawaii School of True Science Academy is not associated with UH or the University of Hawaii.
We are a legal scholastic entity based in Hawaii and on Maui.
Click here to see all our courses we offer
We are a private concern working under Computer Integrations, Inc. We operate under
Hawaii School of True Science Academy
If you take our courses under your home school umbrella some credit may be given to you by your university. Please verify with them.
Keep a copy of your notebook experiments. Certain colleges ask for some evidence that you did indeed have a physics, chemistry, biology, or any other science laboratory component of your education. This notebook will provide your college the details and quality of your science based instruction.
Please make sure you keep a Science Student Notebook for all of your courses you take with us.
We make it EASY, FUN and factual to learn True Science
We are a college prep on-line school resource that teaches science courses strictly based on Observable True Science.
We totally exclude fact-less- unnecessary- "evolutionary" ideas from our college and university courses and classes.
We teach STEM Arts & Sciences subjects using creation-based science curriculum and textbooks for college university students.
We provide ON-LINE- LIVE Home School courses
We operate under : Hawaii School of True Science Academy
Some of the Courses we Offer are :
Chemistry-Physics-Biology-Astronomy-Anatomy &
Physiology - Calculus - Pre-Calculus- Marine Biology - Fossil Forensics -
Genetics - Paleontology and others.
All our course are strictly ON-LINE / Live
Example: Chemistry - The Chemistry of Life Easily Explained
Why is orderly- intelligent INFORMATION the basic structure of DNA ?
One columnist, George Gaylor, who interviewed a molecular biologist and scientist (J) in The Ledger (Lynchburg, VA) said this:
George asks the scientist: “Do you believe that the information evolved?”
J (the scientist) responded: “George, nobody I know in my profession believes it evolved. It
was engineered by genius beyond genius, and such information could not
have been written any other way.
The paper and ink did not write the
Knowing what we know, it is ridiculous to think otherwise.” (emphasis ours).Source:
Our Courses set the foundation for what may
ultimately become your Master's or Doctoral degrees in Chemistry,
Physics, or any of the Sciences
In our chemistry courses You will learn facts like:
Is there really a program that is hard coded into our DNA and the entire animal kingdom?
How many NUCLEOTIDES are in each person's DNA?
Is it true that we are (our DNA) 98% similar to lower creatures like CHIMPANZEES?
Is it true that CATS have 90% homologous genes with those of HUMANS? If so, then are we descendants of CATS? Source: (Biddle, Bisbee, & Bergman, 2016, p.104).
You will learn the basic structure of LIFE is the same, and all living creatures have similar makes because they were DESIGNED by the same engineer, the same CREATOR.
What are the similarities between the DNA and modern day COMPUTERS ?
What is a hard coded program in DNA, and how does that compare to code that is burned
on DVD ROMS, and ROM devices?
How many computers have created themselves by storing information themselves in their CPU?
How many atoms are included in each NUCLEOTIDE that makes up the HUMAN DNA ?
What are the names of those atoms, and why they need to be no other atom?
Why do hydrogen bonds hold the two DNA strand together instead of another type of atom?
"Each nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to a phosphate group and bound on the other side to a nitrogenous base." https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-mi...
Image Credit: Wikipedia.org
Learning Outcomes
You will easily learn and be excited to find those answers in our classes.
We make it easy to learn atomic Structures in Chemistry and the Table of Elements
Your student will learn to manipulate chemical formulas such as these with ease.
We make it easy to learn Lewis Structures in Chemistry and the Table of Elements
Or the atomic structure of the elements
What does a blueberry and a stadium have in similarity with the atom?
If an atom could be expanded to the size of a football stadium, the
nucleus would be the size of a single blueberry. (credit middle:
modification of work by “babyknight”/Wikimedia Commons; credit right:
modification of work by Paxson Woelber). Credit OpenStax
Or learn the real meaning behind the concept of Thermodynamics, first and second principle and how that applies to Creation and the Universe.
College and University Physics
Concepts such as ENTROPY, ENTHALPY, Standard Free Energy of
Formation, Enthalpy of Formation and many other chemical terms that will
make them ready for college and university based sciences.This is the
foundation for what will be their Master's and Doctoral degrees later on
in sciences, chemistry or physics.
(Example of Entropy in every day things)Entropy law says that even the chromium in this vehicle will ultimately decay due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The Universe constantly goes from orderly to disorderly. Not the other way
around. This is true in a "Closed" or "Open System", regardless of what
some "physicists" or "scientists" may say.
College and university students will learn the simplified version of this formula from the Second Law of Thermodynamics:
In simple terms, although this formula is applied to a perfect gas, it can also be expressed as : Std. Change in Entropy= Std.change in Entropy of the Products - Std. Change in Entropy of the Reactants. ( (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014, p. 474)
Thus the above "complicated" formula simply becomes: S
= Sf - Si (Change in Entropy= Final state of Entropy - Initial state of Entropy).
Atmospheric Studies
What will you as our student really learn?
As our student will learn, among other things, in Chemistry or in a Physics class the meaning and fully understand, the scientific and Godly intended reason for the OZONE layer (located between 20-30 km above sea level), the Oxygen and Nitrogen based dual atom molecules and the reason they exist in our atmosphere (O3, O2, N2).
Youwill learn, Why is it that although we breathe in 79% of Nitrogen, it does not affect us at all. But nevertheless, Nitrogen is extremely important for the sustenance and existence of Life. And that all of this was perfectly designed with purpose, by an Intelligent Person.
Your will learn God's meaningful purpose. Nothing
that we see in the Universe, and atmosphere has arrived here by
chance ! Not in millions or billions of years. There is no spontaneous
life. Louis Pasteur destroyed that idea over a hundred years ago. For
life to exist, It must be intelligently designed.
You, as a student will learn how many present-day scientists actually believe in Creation and why they feel the Earth is a masterpiece of God. https://creationhomeschooler.blogspot.com/p/some-s...
Why is it that if the electron's negative charge was one billionth of 1 percent (.01/1000,000,000) different from the proton's positive charge, any sizable amount of matter in the universe would instantaneously explode !
Jay L. Wile., 2007, p.
316). The tolerances are too small-even infinitesimal for this to have come about by chance.
You will learn that the majority of early nineteen-century major
scientists also believed in an Intelligent Creator as the originator of
all things in the universe, including Isaac Newton, Boyle, and many
others. (Meyer,
We teach our students that scientists like Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, William
Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Charles Stine, James Maxwell,
and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century scientists -
acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order, design, and
creation of the Universe. That
the Universe did not come about by chance!
(Meyer, 2009) and (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014).
Is the Universe really billions of years old ?
You will learn the fallacies of "evolution" and why that belief is nothing more than a fairy tale invented by secular educators that do not want accept to accountability to an Intelligent Creator , nor want to face the wonderful facts that Creation is the only explanation for all the "miracles" of science, physics, chemistry, the DNA, biology, math, quantum mechanics, the speed of light. (Biddle, Bisbee, & Bergman, 2016)
What does the speed of light really have to do with the Creation of the Universe?
GENETICS and DNA studies
Our students learn that new discoveries by the government's
sponsored ENCODE project (Encyclopedia of DNA elements) has finally
shown that INFORMATION intelligently stored in the cell's DNA needs to
have an Intelligent PROGRAMMER, just as any computer program needs to be
created by an initial intelligent HUMAN PROGRAMMER.
Yes, we prepare you for college and university where your faith may be and will be challenged the instant you put a foot in the halls of "evolutionists" and atheists.
You will be kindly educated and prepared to counter, respectfully,
the false "evolutionists" ideas imposed and "bullied" on to you by "professors" in the
majority of colleges and universities. You will learn to be respectful
of all professors but internally dismiss the philosophies of those who "err"
on the sciences, or who are not aware-or willfully resist - that God
is the real Intelligent Creator behind the Universe we live in.
Please follow this link to see a list of other subjects we teach on-line and live as well
Hawaii School of True Science Academy
College and university students can take advantage of our : Live / On-Line Lessons
Most individual courses can be covered in four months with 2- 3 hours per week of classes, Including chemistry, physics, biology and math courses. Labs require an extra hour per week.
College and University and College based courses can be covered during the
duration of the school semester, normally in 3-4 months. (Similarly
within 2-3 hours per week of classes).
Prices are per student based.
Subjects, including math, physics, biology, astronomy, or chemistry
can be completed in a matter of 3-4 months. Start classes on September
th and end January 10th. Final grades to be
posted January 15
th.(Allow for holidays such as Christmas and New Years).
includes holiday time off for Thanksgiving (1 week off), and time off during Christmas and New Years – winter break – from December 15 th to January 7th
Technical Requirements
You will need to have access to the Internet.
Our lessons include on-line videos and Power Point slides related to the subject being taught.
If any student is unable to attend class, he or she may be able to listen to the prerecorded class on-line.
Biddle, D., A. Ph. ., Bisbee, D., A., & Bergman, J., Ph. .
Debunking Human Evolution Taught in Our Public Schools.
Gemesis Apologetics, Inc.
Dr. Jay L. Wile. (2007). Exploring Creation with Physical Science
(2nd Ed.). Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc.
Plourde, K., M. S., McManamy, M. M., Ph. ., Snyder, C., Ph. ., Meier,
B., M. A., & Simpson, D., M. S. (2014).
Exploring Creation
with Chemistry
(3rd ed.).
Echeverria, F. (2017, May 16). The World Crisis in Education.
Retrieved September 8, 2017, from
Meyer, S., C. (2009). Signature in the Cell. Harper Collins
DNA strand. Wikipedia.org
Copyright: Professor Fred Echeverria & Hawaii School of True Science ©
No part of this article may be reproduced or copied without the author’s exclusive
Copyright Computer Integrations, Inc. ©, 2018
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